Agile Delivery Framework


Scrum is the most popular delivery framework in Agile Software Development. The Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring that the Scrum Delivery Framework is followed, i.e., that the roles, events and artifacts defined in The Scrum Guide are followed. 

Scrum only covers one team, and the Scrum Guide only describes one team. If the product requires more than one Scrum team, then Scrum itself will not suffice and additions to this Delivery Framework are required. 

Until 2016 the most common scaling technique for Scrum was the “Scrum of Scrums,” but SAFe is now the most widely used Agile Scaling Framework. SAFe however should be considered more than a delivery framework, because it goes beyond Scrum and into Product Definition and Engineering Practices. LeSS and Nexus are two Agile Scaling Frameworks that are tightly based on Scrum, and do not encroach on the other practice areas of the triangle.