Agile Engineering Practices


Scrum proposes that the Development Team is responsible for determining how they will develop an increment. There is nothing in Scrum that defines how that increment should be developed, but there are dozens of Agile Engineering Practices that may be employed.

An example of an Agile engineering practice would be Behavior Driven Development (BDD). BDD requires two other additional practices of Automated Testing and Continuous Integration. Some other common Engineering Practices are pair programming, peer code reviews, and Test Driven Development (TDD). Swarming, Mobbing, and "Hackathons" are now becoming commonplace events in many Agile environments and there are more Agile Engineering Practices constantly being created.

How do all of these fit together? It depends on your organization's needs and competencies. The practice area of Engineering is very broad and the development team or organization must define a path to their desired competencies in this area.